
The Female Body's Dysmorphic Epidemic How Contemporary Women Are Coping with our Aberrant Social R

The Female Body's Dysmorphic Epidemic How Contemporary Women Are Coping with our Aberrant Social R,chick here

The Female Body Dysmorphic Epidemic: How Contemporary Women Are Coping with our Aberrant Social Reality

By Dr. Ron Shane, Dr. Kurt Bivens, Dr. Jeffry Schafer,Nike Free Run 2 Grøn Hvid Sko, Dr. Andy Mencia, and Tanner Kim

Aesthetic beauty is a subjective and highly variable. Our social reality appears to dictate what is fashionable; however, there is a physiological veracity which governs bodily optimization. This has nothing to do with what is mandated by our social media, or our cultural customs. Currently,Kvinders Nike Free 7.0 Running Sko Sort Hvid, women are being socially reinforced in terms of their bodily conditioning to mimic to a certain degree a medical condition of senescence referred to as sarcopenia or muscular atrophy. It is now deemed by the social media for women to have no visible signs of homeostatic muscular genesis. Their bodies are becoming atrophied and seemingly sarcopenic. Charlatan exercise gurus have developed problematic workout DVDs which only induce a virulent remodeling of both the upper and lower torso, engendering an atrophied and striated musculature. Contemporary women are delusional and abnormally paranoid to create optimal homeostatic muscular genesis. The current Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue personifies this physiological malaise where women exude a deficiency of muscular genesis or the new, so called, youthful sarcopenia. Modern gym facilities display this physiological aberrant social phenomenon where men predominantly lift weights,Frauen MBT Kisumu 2 Sandale - 002, and women only burn calories with the use of high-tech cardiovascular equipment. It is now extremely rare that women actually lift weights in a robust manner. There is extreme trepidation to even experience any kind of substantial weight resistance by contemporary females. The media has educated women to believe exuding naturalistic muscular beauty is not feminine or heterosexual. Athletic power is now considered to be unattractive or something which is retrograde to bodily beauty. Women are living in a world of estrogen dominance. Estrogen is supremely ubiquitous from the foods we consume, to that of the air we breathe. Birth control pills in most instances upregulate a woman overall estrogen levels compared to the variability of their natural cycle. These exogenous agents provide a steady level of estrogen where the body doesn have any longer periods of low estrogen secretion. Thus, the modern female is inundated with higher levels of estrogen resulting in a greater overall volume of their adipocytes. Currently, women have to strive much harder to be slender. Furthermore, the foods which females consume, the air in which they breathe,Nike Air Presto 2011 Sko Hvid, and birth control pills are making it harder for women to abate their endomorphic body type. The social pressure to be thin is likewise has become more salient and necessary in order to be considered beautiful. Fat women are deemed not desirable nor achieve the same status of with males with thinner females. The concept of being hubby?translates into an axis 2 personality malaise usually involving self-esteem issues as well as an exacerbation of general anxiety syndrome or even chronic depression. This physiological phenomenon is further accelerated by the fact that both men and women are compelled and educated be chronically lethargic. Walking less than 10,000 steps a day, which defines the activity level which most Americans experience on a daily basis becomes even more problematic in terms of caloric utilization. Those females who are virtually inactive with high levels of estrogen, and do not practice caloric restriction will certainly have an abnormal BMI and be medically defined as being overweight. Currently, supermarkets predominantly harbor processed foods which contain high fructose,Online Billige Dame Nike Free 3.0 FireBrick sorte sko, chemicals, excessive sodium, and fats which contribute and exacerbate this problematic physiological scenario. Researchers have demonstrated that foods with a high concentration of sugars and fats are addictive in terms of the upregulation of particular pathways of the central nervous system reward system. Fatty foods or substances with high concentrations of sugar activate similar meso-limbic pathways to that of cocaine. Thus, the consumption of these foods will engender weight gain and cause other conditions which are associated with being overweight. Chronic stress and anxiety further accelerate this scurrilous scenario. High levels of circulating cortisol affect insulin expression as well as glucose utilization. In other words, chronic stress disrupts metabolic homeostasis. It is evident that chronic upregulation of high levels of circulating cortisol induces virulent body asymmetry and fat deposition which mimics Cushing syndrome. Most modern humans have been characterized by neuroendocrinologists as living in a fight or flight physiological state where the body is plagued by the over activation of the sympathetic nervous system. Chronic allostasis not only engenders the obese bodily phenotype, but is correlated with a plethora of medical morbidities. It is evident that modern females are certainly phobic toward becoming chubby or achieving an abnormal BMI. This appears to be the etiological basis for wanting to be super thin or achieving an ectomorphic and sarcopenic look. It is now a monumental achievement to be thin when the majority of America is overweight. In general, lethargy, higher levels of estrogen, the ingestion of processed food, as well as the chronic upregulation of the body stress system are all contributing to the epidemic of obesity as well as the sarcopenic feminine bodily look. Women who have managed to be thin now are obsessed about their bodily image. There is strong reason to believe that body image dictates the nature a woman self-esteem. Females who have managed to be thin are consciously consumed by their bodily image. Inordinate caffeine and energy drink consumption provides females with the exogenous impetus to exercise an hour a day in order to abate their body adipose volume surge. Furthermore, women are unable to perceive the merit of having a mesomorphic, salubrious body. Fat paranoia consumes their waking state to where they become quite phobic to any type of heuristic auspicious change in their self-image.

Part Two

Thinner females as a function of lifestyle or genetic disposition have managed to stabilize their weight but still have an enigmatic phobic reaction to the phenomena of obesity. They likewise regard any kind of beautiful musculature as being overweight. This fat phobia is now challenging a woman clarity of perception. Many females now regard themselves to be overweight, when in fact they are extremely thin and sarcopenic. It is evident our social reality has put so much pressure on women to be thin that their perceptual acumen has become poignantly skewed. Thus, many thinner females are unable to accurately perceive their actual body image. The social media deems that a sarcopenic and thin body is now what represents paramount beauty. In fact, our social reality is the etiological basis of why women are overly concerned with their physical image; and consider having any degree of healthy,Christian Louboutin peep-Dame 150mm chaussures légères Peachvente pas cher, functional muscle is being repulsive by many younger females. They perceive that having atrophied musculature is attractive and must be achieved in order to have a beautiful torso. Thus, contemporary women have extreme trepidation toward weight lifting; and they feel that touching a weight will make them seem large and unattractive. Younger males with high levels of circulating testosterone have difficulties creating lean muscle mass in their body. Women who have been on a birth control pill for over five years do not have sufficient free testosterone in order to create any kind of enhanced musculature. Thus, it is very difficult for any female to produce an extremely muscular body unless they are taking some kind of agent to stimulate muscular genesis. Thus, females would have to take an exogenous substance to increase their muscle volume. Contemporary females have become overly fearful of becoming overweight and derisively mortified by this physiological phenomenon. Females who have managed to be one of the 30% of American women, who are not overweight, in most instances, erroneously perceive themselves as being large or fraught with body fat when in fact they are devoid of optimal musculature and have obtained a very suitable BMI. Thus, in our view, today woman has a distorted body image of herself; and is constantly plagued by thoughts of being overweight. Furthermore, it has become far more difficult for most women to lose weight and not to be burdened by excessive adiposity. Doctors and personal trainers now have a responsibility to educate women that having a healthy degree of muscle development is beneficial to them, and is likewise correlated with not acquiring pathophysiological malaises. In our view, continued education is the only viable approach which can be utilized to enable females to acquire a highly functional optimal body in a social landscape which is inundated with a bevy of deleterious factors. Pilates, yoga, and other exercise regimes such as Tracy Anderson workout are capitalizing on a woman trepidation about being overweight; and have in many instances no medicinal merit in respect to homeostatic muscle genesis. These so called workouts appear to induce a fashionable muscle wasting look. Moreover, females as a function of our social reality are now abnegating their body potential for strength and power. Authentic core prodigiousness is experienced as a result of running sprints, executing the techniques of the hand and foot martial arts, classical dance,Billige nike, hardcore weight training ?and not spending an hour on the elliptical without any resistance where a woman is upregulated on energy drinks and caffeine which she believes will keep her thin. Most American women pine to have a body which is lifeless, sarcopenic and very thin. This way of exercising will not abate their runaway anxiety, but may contribute to it. Thus, our social reality is the etiological basis of a woman body dysmorphic syndrome, which is likewise associated with their excessive or pervasive anxiety. This pathogenic lifestyle in many instances leads to adrenal fatigue. Conversely, the majority of overweight American females are derisively consumed by some kind of personality disorder or what Freud referred to as neurosis, which can be even more debilitating than a thinner woman body dysmorphic syndrome. It is unlikely that many of these obese women will be successful or compliant to any kind of weight loss program until their axis 2 morbidities are abated. It is necessary from an evolutionary perspective for both men and women to both develop their body muscular strength, core power/center, and to achieve their genetic quintessence. Moreover, beauty is a subjective phenomenon; however, all salubrious mammals must sustain a robust musculoskeletal system in order to be healthy. Our current sedentary lifestyle is causing a kind of self-imposed sarcopenia or an overall physiological pathogenesis. In our view, as practitioners of optimal medicine,MBT Baridi Schuhe, placing a sarcopenic ectomorphic body type on a cover of an athletic magazine is certainly retrograde to a woman self-image and mitigates their ability to celebrate the body magnificent power and strength. Female athletes, both professional and collegiate, should be commended for their bodily health and beauty; and not the corpse-like quality of the sarcopenic female body which does not possess exquisite power or core power engendered through rigorous athleticism. Viable emotional and psychological health is contingent on the neural endocrine cytokines activated through optimal muscular power where a female is not enslaved by a social reality which denigrates her body exquisiteness. This society obsession with electronic technology as well as our anxious and stressful 21st century lifestyle may be auspicious for global corporations, but is ruefully compromising the body extrinsic molecular dynamics. Lifting heavy weights, running sprints,Frauen MBT Schuhe Sirima Brown, engaging in classical dance, and martial arts are profoundly necessary for a woman paramount sense of well-being as well as how body strength and power. Commercialism must be trumped in order for women to experience heuristic bodily health and beauty, enabling them to mollify today epidemic pathogenesis. Thus, today female body dysmorphic syndrome is an actual psychiatric disorder which appears to be fostered by our social reality.


